This long term process of motivation got success when all the prominent, ruthless and important twenty five poachers from Mangalajodi decided to leave poaching and formed a committee for protecting birds, which they earlier used to kill. During the early part of year 2000 the local Divisional Forest Officer Chilika Wildlife Division Mr. Anoop Kumar Nayak also invited Wild Orissa to involve its members in containing poaching/hunting of waterfowl in Chilika Lake. The beginning was difficult but slowly Wild Orissa could manage to involve persons who were concerned for the birds. The long associations with these people of Mangalajodi have stood Wild Orissa in good stead over the years. [Neema & Ashish, 2006]
The knowledge of Mangalajodi and its inhabitants led to a very crucial development in the form of constitution of a bird protection committee by Wild Orissa by name Sri Sri Mahavir Pakshi Surakshya Samiti in the village Mangalajodi on the 10th of December 2000. [Neema & Ashish, 2006] This bird protection committee involved some of leading poachers/hunters of the village which has helped curb tremendously the poaching of water fowl, prevention of poaching of bird eggs for human consumption, etc. Similarly 7 more bird protection committees were constituted by Wild Orissa in other poaching prone villages around/in Chilika Lake. This initiative on the part of Wild Orissa led to a drastic fall in poaching. Some of these one time poachers/hunters amongst others were motivated to be die-hard conservationists through the praise worthy efforts of the Governor Tangi Regional Chapter of Wild Orissa Shri Nanda Kishore Bhujabal at Tangi, alongwith other members from Wild Orissa, against all odds. One time poachers participated in a major way in the bird conservation programme of Wild Orissa. They undertook surveillance and patrolling, on their own as well as in co-ordination with members of Wild Orissa and the state forest department staff, in the Mangalajodi Chilika area and adjoining waters in Chilika Lake. During the year 2001 the Chilika Development Authority involved itself in the bird protection activities initiated by Wild Orissa, and undertook surveys of the waterfowl-breeding habitat in Mangalajodi alongwith members of Wild Orissa and Sri Sri Mahavir Pakhshi Suraksya Samiti.